We’ve launched Distilled 2025 - our annual Consumer Trends Report.
Directors of a company incorporated in the UK are required to promote the success of the company having regard to various factors including those set out in Section 172 or the Companies Act 2006 (the “Act”). In accordance with the Act and the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018, certain UK incorporated subsidiaries of Diageo plc are required to include a statement in their strategic report of their annual report and accounts describing how their directors have had regard to the matters set out in Section 172 of the Act.
Directors of the subsidiaries listed below have had regard to the matters set out in Section 172 of the Act in a manner that is consistent with the approach adopted by the Group, while at the same time ensuring the directors of the companies fulfil their individual duties, as displayed below in such subsidiaries’ latest annual reports and accounts.
S172 Statement and Corporate Governance Arrangements:
Diageo Northern Ireland Limited – F24 S172 Statement (PDF 254KB)
Chase Distillery Limited – F24 S172 Statement (PDF 271KB)
Diageo Finance plc - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 372KB)
Diageo Great Britain Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 365KB)
Diageo Investment Holdings Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 288KB)
Grand Metropolitan Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 285KB)
Grand Metropolitan International Holdings Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 361KB)
UDV (SJ) Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 269KB)
Diageo Global Supply IBC Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 264KB)
S&B Production Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 115KB)
Kanlaon Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 434KB)
Diageo Capital plc - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 446KB)
Diageo DV Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 356KB)
Diageo Holdings Limited - F24 S172 Statement(PDF 355KB)
Diageo Overseas Holdings Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 356KB)
Guinness Overseas Limited - F24 S172 Statement (PDF 356KB)
Chase Distillery Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 259KB)
Diageo Capital PLC - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 414KB)
Diageo DV Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 255KB)
Diageo Finance PLC - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 344KB)
Diageo Holdings Limited - F23 S172 Statement(PDF 331KB)
Diageo Investment Holdings Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 536KB)
Diageo Overseas Holdings Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 261KB)
Diageo Scotland Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 331KB)
Grand Metropolitan Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 260KB)
Grand Metropolitan International Holdings Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 337KB)
Guinness Overseas Holdings Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 429KB)
Justerini & Brooks, Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 452KB)
Tanqueray Gordon and Company Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 347KB)
United Distillers France Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 349KB)
UDV (SJ) Limited - F23 S172 Statement (PDF 246KB)
Chase Distillery (Holdings) Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 340KB)
Chase Distillery Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 263KB)
Diageo Capital PLC - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 361KB)
Diageo DV Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 263KB)
Diageo Finance PLC - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 342KB)
Diageo Global Supply IBC Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 86KB)
Diageo Great Britain Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 342KB)
Diageo Holdings Limited - F22 S172 Statement(PDF 343KB)
Diageo Northern Ireland Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 87KB)
Diageo Overseas Holdings Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 342KB)
Diageo Investment Holdings Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 427KB)
Diageo Scotland Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 341KB)
Guinness Overseas Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 425KB)
Guinness Overseas Holdings Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 444KB)
Grand Metropolitan Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 347KB)
Grand Metropolitan International Holdings Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 637KB)
S&B Production Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 71KB)
Seedlip Ltd - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 563KB)
Tanqueray Gordon and Company Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 359KB)
United Distillers France Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 359KB)
UDV (SJ) Limited - F22 S172 Statement (PDF 250KB)
Justerini and Brooks, Limited – F22 S172 Statement (PDF 549KB)
Anyslam Investments (Unlimited Company) - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 210KB)
Chase Distillery (Holdings) Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 210KB)
Chase Distillery Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 209KB)
Diageo Capital Plc - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 150KB)
Diageo DV Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 342KB)
Diageo Finance Plc - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 342KB)
Diageo Global Supply IBC Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 75KB)
Diageo Great Britain Limited - F21 S172 Statement and Corporate Governance Statement (PDF 427KB)
Diageo Holdings Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 185KB)
Diageo Investment Holdings Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 209KB)
Diageo Northern Ireland Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 626KB)
Diageo Overseas Holdings Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 210KB)
Diageo Scotland Limited - F21 S172 Statement and Corporate Governance Statement (PDF 260KB)
Diageo US Holdings (Unlimited Company) - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 210KB)
Diageo US Investments - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 186KB)
Diageo UK Turkey Holdings Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 210KB)
Diageo UK Turkey Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 185KB)
Grand Metropolitan International Holdings Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 344KB)
Grand Metropolitan Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 137KB)
Guinness Overseas Holdings Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 344KB)
Guinness Overseas Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 210KB)
Justerini & Brooks, Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 209KB)
Seedlip Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 346KB)
S & B Production Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 67KB)
Tanqueray Gordon and Company Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 162KB)
UDV (SJ) Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 338KB)
United Distillers France Limited - F21 S172 Statement (PDF 329KB)
Guinness Overseas Limited - F20 S172 Statement (163KB)
Diageo Global Supply IBC Limited - F20 S172 Statement (269KB)
Diageo Northern Ireland Limited - F20 S172 Statement (270KB)
S & B Production Limited - F20 S172 Statement (269KB)
Diageo Investment Holdings Limited - F20 S172 Statement (213KB)
Diageo Overseas Holdings Limited - F20 S172 Statement (269KB)
Justerini & Brooks, Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 187KB)
Guinness Overseas Holdings Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 212KB)
Diageo Capital Plc - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 318KB)
Diageo Finance Plc - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 339KB)
Diageo Great Britain Limited - F20 S172 Statement and Corporate Governance Statement (PDF 431KB)
Diageo Holdings Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 208KB)
Diageo Scotland Limited - F20 S172 Statement and Corporate Governance Statement (PDF 428KB)
Diageo US Holdings - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 332KB)
Diageo US Investments - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 421KB)
Anyslam Investments - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 331KB)
Grand Metropolitan Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 338KB)
Tanqueray Gordon and Company Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 336KB)
UDV (SJ) Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 338KB)
Grand Metropolitan International Holdings Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 168KB)
Diageo UK Turkey Holdings Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 213KB)
Diageo UK Turkey Limited - F20 S172 Statement (PDF 212KB)