We’ve launched Distilled 2025 - our annual Consumer Trends Report.

To achieve that ambition, we need to make sure we are doing business the right way, from grain to glass. Thinking about the long-term value and impact we create, and the risks and opportunities of our operating environment and business model, ensuring we are proud of what we do at work, at home and in our communities.
Reporting transparently on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues plays a vital role in delivering our strategy. It helps us to manage ESG risks, seize opportunities and promote sustainable development everywhere we live, work, source and sell.
How we report
Within our Annual Report we present our most material disclosures and describe how our strategy delivers value for our business and our communities, using the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework as a guide.
Our ESG Reporting Index is where we give additional disclosures in line with the GRI Standards index and the UNGC advanced reporting criteria index, plus our response to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
In addition, we track our non-financial performance internally on a quarterly basis. Our integrated reporting system consolidates cross-functional non-financial performance data at market, regional and global levels, giving senior internal stakeholders a clear view of our performance. This enables us to act early to amplify opportunities and address risks, ensuring we stay on track to deliver our Spirit of Progress goals. Non-financial reporting is a rapidly evolving area, so we are continually evaluating and developing our approach and we actively track emerging ESG frameworks and best practice.
Our aim is to ensure that between our Annual Report, the ESG Reporting Index and Diageo.com we provide the information our diverse stakeholders expect and need.
We engage independent auditors to provide limited assurance of environmental performance data (carbon emissions, water stewardship, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and waste to landfill), health and safety data and social impact data, relating to our inclusion and diversity ambitions and our underage drinking programmes.
Disclaimer related to PwC’s Limited Assurance Report 2024
I accept and agree for and on behalf of myself and the entity I represent (each a "recipient") that:
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") accepts no liability (including liability for negligence) to each recipient in relation to PwC’s report. The report is provided to each recipient for information purposes only. If a recipient relies on PwC’s report, it does so entirely at its own risk;
- No recipient will bring a claim against PwC which relates to the access to the report by a recipient;
- Neither PwC’s report, nor information obtained from it, may be made available to anyone else without PwC’s prior written consent, except where required by law or regulation;
- PwC’s report was prepared with Diageo plc’s interests in mind. It was not prepared with any recipient's interests in mind or for its use. PwC’s report is not a substitute for any enquiries that a recipient should make. PwC’s assurance report is based on historical information. Any projection of such information or PwC’s opinion thereon to future periods is subject to the risk that changes may occur after the report is issued. For these reasons, such projection of information to future periods would be inappropriate;
- Any explanations that PwC may provide to any recipient in relation to the report are given on the same bases as those relating to the provision of the report itself;
- PwC will be entitled to the benefit of and to enforce these terms; and
- These terms and any dispute arising from them, whether contractual or non-contractual, are subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.’
Independent assurance over fiscal 2022 Scope 3 Distribution and Logistics GHG emissions
We also engage Corporate Citizenship to assure our community investment data and methodology.
Reporting boundaries and methodologies
A detailed explanation of the boundaries and methodologies used in our reporting can be found in the Reporting Boundaries and Methodologies in the Annual Report and the Reporting Boundaries and Methodologies in the ESG Reporting Index.
Contact us
If you’d like to get in touch with our Global Spirit of Progress team, please email [email protected].