Alcohol policy

We believe that industry-wide standards and sensible regulation create an important framework to encourage responsible drinking.
Our approach

Our approach

The alcohol industry is already one of the most highly regulated in the world. As a responsible business, we support policies that are evidence-based, account for drinking patterns, target at-risk groups, treat all forms of alcohol equally, and involve all stakeholders.

We publicly advocate that governments should adopt a minimum legal purchasing age of not less than 18 and a maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level for drivers of no more than 0.08mg.

We also support lower BAC levels for novice and commercial drivers, high-visibility enforcement of drink driving laws, and alcohol interlocks – breathalysers to stop a car from starting if the driver's blood alcohol level is above a certain limit – for high BAC and repeat drink drivers.

In addition we:

  • Advocate effective industry-wide standards in responsible marketing and selling
  • Provide helpful information for consumers
  • Support effective programmes to tackle alcohol misuse

Shared goals

The WHO's global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol presents a menu of policy options and interventions to address alcohol misuse at a national level. This strategy is becoming even more important as countries seek to reduce non-communicable diseases (NCDs), for which alcohol misuse is one of several risk factors.

In May 2013, the UN adopted a Global Monitoring Framework with a target of reducing mortality from NCDs – including heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes – by 25% by 2025. One of many associated targets was the reduction of harmful use of alcohol by 10%.

This is a goal we share and that is embedded in every responsible drinking programme we support, every partnership we forge and every campaign we run. We support the balanced and pragmatic approach addressed by the WHO Global Alcohol Strategy and the UN's NCD framework and we work with member states and other stakeholders where we can to achieve these goals.

Working with industry

We are part of an industry-wide programme to encourage the responsible use of alcohol. We were one of 12 leading global producers of beer, wine, and spirits to launch new commitments to reduce harmful use of alcohol in 2012. The members of the IARD work together to actively support the target in the WHO NCD Global Monitoring Framework of “at least 10% relative reduction in the harmful use of alcohol” by 2025.

These commitments cover the following five areas:

Social aspects organisations

Over the years, we've helped establish many social aspects organisations (SAOs). These are organisations that tackle alcohol misuse and promote responsible drinking. We've worked with SAOs to develop codes of responsible marketing and to raise awareness about responsible drinking.

We are members of the following SAOs and trade associations around the world.

Position Papers

We work with various public and private partners to implement evidence based programmes and policies in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal target of a 10% reduction of harmful use of alcohol by 2030.

The following position papers provide a clear and transparent view of Diageo’s stance on various issues relating to positive drinking.

Consumer Information

Alcohol and Women

Underage Drinking