Doing business the right way

Spirit of Progress, our ESG action plan, is an enabler of our Growth ambition and a commercial imperative for our business, underpinned by our commitment to do business the right way.

Doing business the right way underpins our Spirit of Progress action plan and all the pillars within the strategy.

At Diageo, we create a culture where all our people feel they're treated fairly and with respect. We’re committed to understanding what it means to act with integrity in our roles and ensure we're doing business in the right way, meeting external expectations, and maintaining our high standards.

Standing up for human rights

We believe respect for human rights should be a part of everyone’s working day, in every country and throughout our supply chain. In 2014 we signed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and remain committed to this fundamental right, in every country throughout our supply chain.

Our global Zero Harm programme takes a holistic approach to the health, wellbeing and safety of our people. Ensuring no one compromises on their values, and everyone goes home safe and healthy.

We use our voice to create fair and inclusive communities wherever we do business. Working with peers and trade associations to take collective action to bring about peace and justice and build the strong institutions we all need to thrive.

Spirit of Progress

Now we’re a few years into our Spirit of Progress journey, we’ve taken stock, reflected on our excellent progress to date, and refreshed our focus for the critical years ahead.

ESG Targets

We have set 25 ambitious targets aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Our targets build on our successful ESG track record in recent years.

Want to know more?

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Promote positive drinking

As a responsible business, we want to change the way people drink – for the better.
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Champion inclusion and diversity

Championing inclusion and diversity is at the heart of what we do. Not only is it the right thing to do, as it means we play a part in shaping a more equitable society, it also makes us a better business.
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Pioneer grain-to-glass sustainability

We have a responsibility to ensure that our people, our suppliers, the communities around our operations, our customers and consumers and society at large all thrive as a result of our business.